Prayers (Aug 1, 2011)
Prayer Request:
For all those who have requested prayer, Our father in heaven, we come before you praising you for your many blessings, mercy and grace. We thank you for hearing us, for you heareth us always. We stand in agreement with all and stand on your word that you said you shall supply all our needs God. Your word also says to make our request known and also that we can ask anything in Jesus name and it shall be given. God we ask that you manifest all prayer requests right now. God even you you don't, we know you can. we love you, bless you and say hallelujah to your name God. Thank you for Jesus and the Holy Spirit in which you left within us to teach us and bring all things to our remembrance. Thank you father for we declare it is already done. In Jesus name by his precious blood, Amen. Praise God.
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